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在美德的暗影之中—失而復得 Part 3

In the Shadow of Virtue – Lost and Found Part 3
Mark Steelman
30 Apr 2010 18:05:00
Today begins the next chapter in our Live story arc and we are excited to tell you about it.
This event is going to begin when your character visits Captain Avery who is taking a little R&R
at the Cat’s Lair in
Britain. He has many stories to tell about his time in prison and you might
get him to tell you a bit about the lost treasures of Ricardo! This isn’t the “contract” style quest
that we did in the last event, just chat him up and he will give you hints about what to do.
If you begin hunting the lost treasures of Ricardo, you will find yourself at the beginning of a
dangerous journey to the remote parts of Sosaria, searching for a most precious and expensive
treasure… information. This information can be reported to Queen Dawn by way of Lieutenant
Dan in
Britain, (Trammel) or the sinister forces of Minax by way of Lieutenant Crag in Cove
(Trammel or Felucca). (On Siege, Lt. Dan is in Serpents Hold). Each has a chest that gives
random prizes. Each chest has a bunch of random items and a few unique items that you
win randomly. The special items in Lt. Dan’s chest are new to this event. Crag has stolen the
special items from the last event and has put them in his chest.
There are 10 locations (The location that Avery tells you about can’t be turned in for a prize…
everyone knows that one! There are 10 OTHER locations!). If you visit Ricardo in prison you
will hear him rambling hints to the locations of his hidden treasures. Each day a new hint will
unlock! You may get credit for each location once per character. You may only turn in each
location once, either to Lt. Dan or Lt. Crag. In this quest you must choose if you ally yourself
with Queen Dawn or the dark sorceress Minax! Just read the book at the location, then speak
with one of the Lieutenants.
If you happen to be out of town this week, don’t worry, this event will be available more than
10 days, but don’t dilly-dally too long, it won’t last forever! The fate of Sosaria is in your hands.
Happy hunting and y’all have fun!
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在美德的暗影之中失而復得 Part 3
我們十分期待地告訴你,今天開始任務劇情的另一章。要啟動這個任務劇情,你先要去到Britain的貓巢酒店,去找一個說話瘋瘋顛顛帶點搖滾腔的人物,他的名字叫Captain Avery。他會告訴你很多關於他在監獄中的豐功偉績和風流情史,重點是會告訴你一些關於Ricardo遺失的寶藏。這個不像以前要接任務的形式,劇情不用接任務,只要跟他打屁屁他就會給你一些提示下一步該怎麼做。

如果你準備開始尋找Ricardo的失落寶藏,你將會開始在索沙尼亞中經歷一段危險的旅程,搜索著史上最珍貴,最稀有的寶藏---情報。你可以將這份情報,經由不列顛城的丹丹中尉(Lt.Dan)報告給曙光皇后(Queen Dawn)(新地),又或者通過Cove的峭壁中尉(Lt.Crag)奉獻給米娜邪惡勢力(新地和舊地)(seige伺服器,丹丹在蛇堡)。他們兩個都有個鐵箱,每個鐵箱裡面都有一堆垃圾,這堆垃圾裡面還有幾樣較為特別的東西,而你有機會在這個任務中隨機抽出一件垃圾出來。在丹丹中尉的鐵箱裡面那些較為特別的那件垃圾,是全新設計的。而峭壁中尉的箱子裡面裝著的果然還是上次事件中A回來的賊贓。

你要尋找10個點。(一開始Avery告訴你的那個點不算,就連阿嬸都知道…:D10個其他的點啦!)如果你去Yew的監獄探Ricardo的監(: 他還沒死…)Ricardo會隨口給你一些似是而非的提示,關於他那個寶藏的。因為他有點失憶,所以他每天起床後才會想起下一個地點的位置。你的每個角色在每個地點都有一次機會,每個地點每個角色你只可以回報一次,而且你必須選邊站,即是你必須選擇站在曙光皇后或是暗黑術士米娜的陣營,即是要回報給丹丹或是峭壁知道。二選一。很簡單的,去到目的地,看到地上的小紅書,讀了他,然後報告給其中一位中尉知道你已經「到此一遊」。(: 當然我自己都不知道上文的是指角色還是指帳號。比較大機率是指角色吧我想)
